Healthy Granola
Preparing homemade healthy granola is a simple healthy diet habit that's sure to please all. Variations abound depending on your favorite additions and what is located in your pantry on any given day! This generic version can be modified in so many ways to suit your preferences. I have made it many times though, and pushed the limit of fat. If you do not add enough fat, it will be dry. I will post the generic version and also the version I regularly make, which is a hit everywhere I pass it out! *****

Generic Recipe - Ingredients
Mix together in a huge bowl: 6 cups old fashioned rolled oats 6 cups total of any of these additions: - Whole wheat flour
- Soy Flour
- Oat Bran
- Wheat Bran
- Wheat Germ
- Sunflower Seeds
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Sesame Seeds
- Protein Powder
- Almond Meal
- Shredded Coconut
- Raw almonds/slivered almonds
- Unsalted peanuts
- Walnuts
- Pecans
- Cashews
- Whatever you think might work
Microwave until the following ingredients mix together easily: - ½ cup to 1 cup oil or 2 sticks unsalted butter
- ½ cup to 1 cup honey, molasses, or maple syrup or mix
- ½ cup water
- 2 t. vanilla
- 1 t. salt
Pour liquid ingredients over the dry ingredients and coat the mixture well. Place the granola on two large cookie sheets. Bake the granola for 30 minutes in a 325 degree oven until it is lightly browned. Stir it every ten minutes so it browns evenly! Remove from oven and let it cool. It will harden up as it cools. Add 2 cups of dried fruit to the mix when cool or add dried fruit when you serve the granola. We do this because we all like different dried and fresh fruits. Store in an air tight container!

My Recipe Combination:
Ingredients: - 6 cups old fashioned rolled oats
- 2 cups coconut
- 1 cup oat bran or wheat bran
- 1 cup slivered almonds or nuts I have on hand
- 1 cup sunflower seeds
- ½ cups sesame seeds
- ½ cup protein powder or almond meal or more bran
Sauce: - ½ cup oil
- 1 cup honey
- ½ cup water
- 2 t. vanilla
- 1 t salt

If you want your family to avoid junky store bought cereal, it's a great lifestyle solution to make this cereal weekly. No complaints will be heard, unless you run out! *I often make this for Christmas gifts and place a few cups in clear cellophane cute bags! I tie the top and include the recipe. It is such a welcome gift, rather than more baked sweets! I add lots of dried cranberries so it looks awesome!
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