A pomelo is a large elongated citrus fruit that can vary in size from that of a large grapefruit to 12 inches in diameter and weigh up to 25 pounds. It is in fact the largest citrus fruit there is, and considered one of the most expensive fruits you can purchase. The one I purchased cost $1.49 for a fruit that was the size of a large grapefruit. It definitely was not a frugal choice, but I enjoyed it, and compared to purchasing a bag of cookies, a sweet deal.
A great lifestyle solution is to add new fruits and vegetables to your diet. Don't get stuck in the fruit rut of apples, oranges and bananas. I have a friend that lived in the Philippines for many years, and she always purchased a pomelo as a treat for her husband! She raved about them! Would I rave about them? Probably not, but I can say that I enjoyed trying a new fruit. I will stick with the healthy diet habit of including half of a grapefruit with my breakfast. It's a little cheaper and easier!
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