Personality Type Diet

The personality type diet is developed by Dr. Robert Kushner. He has written a book titled "Dr. Kushner’s Personality Type Diet." The book will show you what attitudes and behaviors could be preventing you from healthy eating, losing weight, and developing healthy diet habits!

Personality Type Diet - Info. by Healthy Diet Habits


The book has 3 sections: Eating Patterns, Exercise Patterns, and Coping Patterns. Before you can make changes, you need to develop an awareness of your unhealthy diet habits! A personality test is given. You put a check mark if the eating pattern sounds like you. At the end of the personality test you then total each section’s check marks. After you take the test in his book, you are grouped into the following categories which are very helpful:

Eating Patterns from the Personality Test:

Meal Skipper or Grazer: You skip meals and have no pattern or routine as to when you eat.

Nighttime Nibbler: You consume 50% or more of your calories between dinner and bedtime.

Convenient Diner: You’re a brand-name eater. All of your meals are packaged, bagged, microwavable or frozen.

Fruitless Feaster: With Few exceptions, you’re all about meat and potatoes (or pasta, bread and desserts).

Mindless Muncher: Besides your regular three meals, you snack anytime you come near food.

Hearty Portioner: You eat a lot, and you eat it quickly, whether it’s healthy or not.

Deprived Sneaker: You eat a strict diet of good foods, but fall off the wagon and then over eat bad foods.


Exercise Patterns from the Personality Test

Couch Champion: You don’t like to sweat, and you don’t really like any physical activity.

Uneasy Participant: You hate exercising in public because of your body image.

All-or-Nothing Doer: You work out hard for a few days or weeks, then stop and do nothing for even longer.

Set-Routine Repeater: You’re on a fixed exercise routine, but aren’t able to lose weight because your body has adjusted to the routine.

Tender Bender: You either have an injury that prevents you from exercising, or worry that you may suffer one because you’re out of shape.

Rain-Check Athlete: You’re so busy and frustrated that you can’t make time to exercise.


Coping Patterns from the Personality Test

Emotional Eater: You eat when you’re stressed, anxious, tired or depressed.

Self-Scrutinizer: You feel ashamed of your body and have trouble separating body image from self-esteem, and that affects your day-to-day decision making.

Persistent Procrastinator: You know the importance of losing weight and say you want to lose, but you never seem to make it happen because something always gets in the way.

People Pleaser: You are a good-natured person with responsibility and commitment to family, friends, and coworkers, but you always put them ahead of you.

Fast Pacer: You multitask and don’t take the time to think or plan how to improve your lifestyle.

Doubtful Dieter: You say you’ve tried everything and nothing works, so you develop a self-defeating attitude.

Over reaching Achiever: You are successful in your home and work life, and expect the same success with weight loss. You never feel satisfied, and your high expectations make you feel frustrated and discouraged.

The Personality Type Diet Deals with Your Eating, Exercise and Coping Patterns! Info. by Healthy Diet Habits.


After you complete the personality test in Dr. Kushner’s book you know the general areas that you need to work on. You can begin to look for lifestyle solutions in the categories you struggle with and develop healthy diet habits that allow you to improve your problem areas and practice healthy eating, exercise and coping!

He offers a Personality Type Diet too! It is full of tips on how to deal with each of these separate personality patterns! It is super practical, helpful, and offers sample menus and recipes!!! I rarely like diets, but the personality type diet is less of a diet and more of a book for habit change, which I love!

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